Monday, December 17, 2007

When will Jesus be King?

Matthew 2:1-2
[1] Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
[2] Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

A little phrase that was uttered by the wise men, they asked the question: “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?”

All through the life of Jesus we find Him referred to as a king. It is a phrase we find throughout scripture. When Philip had brought Nathaniel to Jesus, Jesus began to tell Nathaniel where he had been and how he knew him. Nathaniel was so impressed by the Christ that he said “thou art the King of Israel” (John 1:49).

Herod couldn’t live with the fact that there was another king being born. He wanted to kill Jesus. But if Herod could have just understood that Jesus didn’t come to set up an earthly kingdom, He came to build a heavenly kingdom.

We see it here at the sea of Galilee when Jesus multiplied the lunch of a lad. When it was all over, they were so impressed by what they saw, that they desired to take Him and make Him their king. But Jesus departed again into the mountain to be by himself (John 6:15).

Jesus was hanging on the cross and the crowd around him were mocking and scoffing and said “He saved others and He cant save himself”. And they said “If you are King come down from the cross and then we will believe”.

But Jesus didn’t come down from the cross, because He was going to become king by staying up on the cross. He didn’t come to be king in this earth, He came to be king in the hearts of men. If Jesus came down from the cross, we couldn’t be washed by His wonderful blood.

I’m so glad He stayed there….because He stayed there He is king!

When does Jesus become King? When we give Him all authority over our life to Him! When we surrender! When we say it is not about me, it is about you Jesus. When we love Him with all our heart, soul and mind.

Is there anyone who wants to make Jesus the king and ask Him to sit on the throne of your life?

That's my five minutes!

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