Friday, November 23, 2007

Can I make a difference?

I ponder today, Can I make a difference? Can you make a difference?

It is a fact, although my passion is for the work of the Lord, it just doesn’t seem like I am making a big difference on a daily basis. I am working a full-time job, have family commitments and am busy about the work of the Lord in my local church. However, while I find myself busy about the things of God, it really doesn’t feel like I am making a very big difference. I am sure many readers have had the same feeling at sometime.
While reading the Word the other day I was reminded of the scripture in Jude verse 22-23 “And of some have compassion, making a difference. And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire”. While it may not be physically or financially possible for me to be on the foreign mission field, my compassion can make a difference to the extent of “pulling them out of the fire”.

One of the first questions asked in the Bible can be found in Genesis 4:9 “Am I my brother's keeper?” A question asked by a man that was running from God. Perhaps many people today are still asking this question. What about another question asked in Luke 10, “who is my neighbour?” A question that was asked by a man seeking to justify himself. The fact that we cannot be there physically must not be an excuse for not getting involved. Missions matters!
Many of us may never find ourselves on the missions field. We’ve seen the photos and films from the field and we’ve felt the burden for lost souls and rejoiced as people find Jesus. But far too often we retreat, thinking that there is nothing we can do and leave it up to small number of people to reach the masses. That is a lie from the devil! We can do something.

I looked up the word “compassion” in the dictionary and here is the definition: “a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering”.

Compassion isn’t just a feeling, but it is “accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering”. This is why the Bible says that we can make a difference if we have compassion. So don’t just be moved, but let compassion move you to a place of doing something. Our compassion makes a difference and by it many can be pulled from the fire.
There is so much that you can do for the kingdom back here on “home soil”.

Here are just a few things.
1. Giving financially
2. Prayer
3. Writing an encouraging our missionaries

If not you, then who? If not here, then where?If not now, then when? The Kingdom is waiting for you!

Let me make a bold statement - Missions must be part of your program or your program is not of God! Missions matters.

I can make a difference! You can make a difference!
That's my five minutes!

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