Monday, May 28, 2007

He Restores My Soul

Psalm 23:1
[1] The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
[2] He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
[3] He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

A long time ago I learned that life isn’t fair. I remember as a child my Dad would remind me that life wasn’t meant to be fair and that life wasn’t meant to be easy. That was an important lesson in my life because if I hadn’t known that I could be quite disillusioned with life. The circumstances we face in life have a way of subtracting from our love for life.

For those who have lived a few years (or many years), they will know that there is a lot of stress in life. There are definitely going to be seasons of hardship in our life. If you are young maybe you don’t know about this yet, but the older you are it is more likely that you can relate to what I am talking about. Life can be stressful at times, possibly even depleting and distressing.

Through life there are a lot of things that happen to us that are not always our own doing. Some of these include sickness, job problems, relationship problems and even death. These things come along and invade our life, attempting to try and steal the joy of our life. On the other hand though, we can often bring on the bad in our life through our own bad choices, wrong relationships and even sin. We find ourselves feeling flat and even “down and out”. But don’t give up! As we studied this week in our HFG Bible Studies “the thief cometh to steal, kill and to destroy, but Jesus came that we might have an abundant life” (John 10:10). Jesus is the soul restorer! Jesus is interested in leading the lost back home!

From the word of God we know that the Lord is in the business of restoring the broken and bring home the wayward! Jesus Christ is a God who restores and revives! He restores my soul!

David penned this Psalm as the king of Israel, but he was once a shepherd so he knew about being a shepherd. But furthermore, David also knew about his relationship with God, and that he was the sheep and God the shepherd.

Jesus is our restorer! Jesus will leave the 99 and go out and look for lost sheep! Jesus is all about restoring the souls of men, women and children who have lost their way. No matter how far you may have strayed, the distance back to God is not nearly as far as the journey has been away from God. You may have wandered far from God, but when you cry out to God He instantly hears your voice and responds. He wants to restore your soul!

The Lord is our shepherd and He restores our soul! Won’t you just put your life back in the hands of the Good Shepherd! That's my five minutes!


Anonymous said...

How very true!
Thank you for the encouraging words.

Anonymous said...

Hey man, Keep up the good work! God bless man!