Thursday, August 16, 2012


There are two ways to be legalistic – conservative and liberal.  Legalism is "strict conformity to the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law".  Strict conformity to the letter of the law can occur negatively as well as positively.

Those who point to the absence of law (which they equate with Christian liberty) as proof they are not required to do a certain thing are just as law-oriented as the person who rigorously points to the law as demanding certain actions.  Both end up relying on the law for justification. One says “I do this because the law says, I am saved” and the other says “I don’t have to do that because you cannot show me a law that says I have to”.

Both are governed by law rather than love. Both are legalists.

There are some things for which there simply is no law. Like, love, joy, peace, etc., the fruit of the Spirit: "Against such things there is no law" (Galatians 5:23).

(Steve Pixler)

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