Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl.
Frankl was a Holocaust survivor who wrote about his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp.
Frankl was a Holocaust survivor who wrote about his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp.
- Everything was taken away from these prisoners.
- They were stripped of their clothing, their pictures, and their personal belongings.
- They even took away their names and gave them numbers.
- Frankl was number 119,104.
Everything was taken away except one thing. Frankl said, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”
I’m absolutely convinced that the most important choice you make everyday is your attitude.
Slow that I am in comprehending what I've read during my second read of Man's Search Meaning, I find my self with a much needed scense of hope as my life moves into it's fourth decade. Victor's insight into how I experience my world is moving and I'am thankful to have come across his writings.
Slow that I am in comprehending what I've read during my second read of Man's Search Meaning, I find my self with a much needed scense of hope as my life moves into it's fourth decade. Victor's insight into how I experience my world is moving and I'am thankful to have come across his writings.
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