For those of you who know me well, you will know that this has been a dream of mine for many years. I like to refer to it as the “Apostolic Mecca” and I’ve even heard it called the “Apostolic Promiseland”. Everyone I have talked to insists that BOTT is a life changing experience. From watching the DVDs over the last few years, I argue that this is the best preacher’s conference in the world. I have seen every message preached at BOTT since 2001, and have watched the majority of them more than once. As my friends – my most treasured multimedia items are my BOTT DVDs.

BOTT exploded into my life during a Wednesday night service in 2003 when the church watched Pastor Anthony Mangun preach the opening message of BOTT 2001 entitled “This is a Lost World and We Have a Mandate to Reach it”. My mum had been receiving these videos from the USA for many years. I remember her watching them as she would do the ironing. This day, mum insisted that the church must watch this particular video.
While Pastor Mangun preached, I remember seeing the walls of the POA sanctuary covered with massive pictures of the faces of lost people and world globes spread across the platform. Pastor Mangun relayed his burden of how all of these faces should haunt us. He challenged all those present that while we have the message and the truth, we must not lose our passion for a world destined for eternal damnation.
It was during this message that my spirit was quickened to the urgency of the task at hand. What was I going to do with my life? Was I going to continue to pursue a successful career in financial systems that had already enabled me to travel all over Australia and the world, promising even more in the future. Was I going to continue to pursue my career of opportunity and financial gain? The video finished and it was time to go home. It is strange when you watch a DVD or video during a service – you feel removed from the event – you don’t know whether to clap, back the preacher up – although it feels like you should. I guess it is even stranger to respond in the altar call. Well, that night I made my way to the altar and committed my days, my purpose, my passion and my life into God’s hands. If you can use anything Lord, you can use me. From that day onward God has opened doors and equipped me to fulfil my ministry in the body of Christ.
Some of my favourite messages from BOTT include:
- This is a Lost World and We Have a Mandate to Reach it - Anthony Mangun
- 21st Century Apostolic – Anthony Mangun
- We are measured by God’s pattern – Anthony Mangun
- Man’s Greatest Need is God’s Greatest Desire (Knowing God) - Jeff Arnold
- When you stop measuring the miracle will happen – Jeff Arnold
- Life’s Three Greatest Words (I Am Persuaded) – Jeff Arnold
- Hath Israel No Sons – Wayne Huntley
- Condemnation Interferes with Intimacy – Gerald Jeffers
- There is no substitute for Sons – Wayne Huntley
- Addicted – Matthew Maddix
So in January 2009 I will visit Alexandria Louisiana for the first time. I will be making the trip with my two closest friends in the ministry and mentors of mine – Wayne Francis and Stanley Harvey. The trip is extremely costly for only 3 nights and 2 days, but God has provided the funds. There is so much more I could tell you about God’s provision for this trip – but let it be said “God provides”.
Hi, I was just trying to find out the speaker information for this year's BOTT and came across your blog entry. Diddo, diddo, diddo! Congratulations on your first trip to Alexandria (or "Alec" to locals). May you receive everything God has in store for you!
I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
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