Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Praise fixes up the dry times!

Dry times come to all believers. God knew that even spirit filled Christian would have to endure dry times. If fact we are told to “think it not strange the fiery trials” (1 Peter 4:12), furthermore we are told to “count it all joy when we fall into divers temptations because the trying of our faith worketh patience and in turn serves in perfecting” (James 1:2-4).

Numbers 21:16-17
[16] And from thence they went to Beer: that is the well whereof the LORD spake unto Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them water.[17] Then Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well; sing ye unto it:

As the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, they came to a time and place where, in the dry desert land, they were thirsty. They were experiencing a “dry spell”.

The first thing we notice when reading this portion in Numbers is that the children of Israel journeyed to a well as God had directed them. As established Christians it is more than likely that we all know where the well of the Lord is in our lives, after all we’ve been to that place before, that place of refreshing. Secondly, this well had been dug out by their leaders sometime before. Something important to note is that the well had been bug with the scepter and with their staffs. We see from Genesis 49:10 that the scepter is a symbol of praise. The scepter and the ruler's staff are established in Judah which means praise.

When the children of Israel arrived at this well it would have been evident to them that it hadn’t been used in some time. For it seems from reading the scripture that the water was not readily seen or evident.

Does it seem as though your well has dried up from neglect or lack of use? Then sing to it! Call it forth, as the children of Israel did to this ancient well. They sang this song: "Spring up, O well!
God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3), and as their song went forth it brought forth His sweet presence to water their thirsty souls.

We need to dig the soil of our hearts and bring forth the well spring of the sweet and refreshing presence of the most high God to water the ground of our soul! If your dry and parched then begin to offer up a praise.

There is an old chorus that most of us know. “Spring up O well, within my soul. Spring up O well, and make me whole. Spring up O well, and give to me, that life abundantly!”If you are experiencing a dry place, bring forth your scepter of praise today and dig a well in the soil of your life! Sing to your well to “spring up”. You will be refreshed!
That's my five minutes!

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